IBS; The causes of this problem, the accompanying symptoms, and the best treatment methods

 IBS; The causes of this problem, the accompanying symptoms, and the best treatment methods

Nerve colon; One of the diseases of the digestive system is irritable bowel syndrome, which affects the large intestine. This disease is of a chronic nature, as the person suffering from it has periods of increased symptoms and other periods of calm. Then, when the person suffering from it undergoes an examination, the examination results are usually sound, meaning that no anatomical abnormality appears in it. Or a biochemical disorder.

IBS patients sometimes suffer from depression or anxiety, but this is not the actual cause of IBS patients. However, depression and anxiety can lead to an increase in IBS symptoms. In this article, we will learn about the problem of irritable bowel syndrome in terms of the causes of this problem and the accompanying symptoms, along with an explanation of how to diagnose it and the best treatment methods.

Definition of irritable bowel syndrome

It is a common disorder in the digestive system that affects the large intestine. Since the colon has four parts, the right side, which is called the ascending colon, starts from the cecum, which connects the colon to the small intestine, and extends upward to the transverse colon, which is in the upper part, connecting the right colon to the left colon. The left colon, called the descending colon, extends from the left side of the abdomen. It starts from the transverse colon to the sigmoid colon, the last part connecting the left colon to the rectum.

The colon is located between the small intestine and the rectum, and its length is about 1.5 meters on average. Irritable bowel syndrome affects approximately 10-15% of people worldwide. IBS also has three important functions:

1- Digestion and absorption of undigested nutrients.

2- Storage and extraction of fecal material.

3- It contributes to the stool's water and mineral concentration.

Other names for irritable bowel syndrome: spastic colon - irritable bowel syndrome - colon - irritable bowel syndrome (irritable bowel syndrome) - mucous colitis - contractile colon.

Causes of irritable bowel syndrome

Many people do not know the cause of irritable bowel syndrome, but some believe that it is caused by a combination of several factors, including:

1- An imbalance between nerve signals in the digestive system and the brain.

2- Problems with the movement of the digestive system, as someone with irritable bowel syndrome has a digestive system that is sensitive to many stimuli.

3- An increase in the natural bacteria present in the intestine, which causes contractions, leading to diarrhea or constipation.

4- Infection.

5- Genetics.

6- Food allergy, meaning that there are people who feel trouble after eating a specific type of food, fast food, or unhealthy food.

7- Following an unhealthy diet rich in fats or having an allergy in the intestines to some foods such as wheat, dairy products, grains, chocolate, and fruits. These foods contain carbohydrates that are difficult for the small intestine to absorb.

8- Irregular eating times, such as eating too quickly or after a long period of fasting.

9- Psychological and emotional factors (such as anxiety, stress, depression, and fear).

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

The symptoms are divided into two parts: general symptoms of the disease, and symptoms in which it is necessary to consult a doctor, and the following is a description of each type:

General symptoms of the disease

These symptoms include the following:

1- Severe abdominal pain.

2- Chronic diarrhea.

3- Chronic constipation.

4- Constipation and diarrhea alternating.

5- Increased gases.

6- Abdominal bloating.

Symptoms that require consulting a doctor

These symptoms are:

1- Anemia resulting from iron deficiency.

2- Bleeding in the rectum.

3- Noticeable weight loss.

4- Severe abdominal pain that does not disappear except with defecation or passing wind.

5- Vomiting of unknown cause.

6- Difficulty swallowing.

There are also special purposes for women with irritable bowel syndrome, which are the following:

1- Food allergy.

2- Inability to sleep with severe insomnia.

3- Back pain.

4- Feeling pain and cramps in the abdomen.

5- Severe pain during menstruation.

6- Tendency towards isolation and depression.

Other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

These symptoms include the following:

1- Chronic headache.

2- Always feeling tired and exhausted.

3- Bad breath.

4- Stress and anxiety when urinating, along with discomfort as a result of suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.

5- Anemia and anemia.

6- Difficult bowel movement disorder.

7- The presence of white mucus in the stool.

8- Urinary incontinence.

At-risk groups

The groups most at risk of developing irritable bowel syndrome are the following:

- People under 50 years old.

- Women are more susceptible than men, especially after treatment with pneumonia during menopause.

- Having a family history.

- Depression and anxiety patients.

Complications of irritable bowel syndrome: People with irritable bowel syndrome have complications, namely: it affects the quality of life and causes mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome

There are many methods for diagnosing irritable bowel syndrome by the treating physician, and the most important of these methods is that the doctor follows up on the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome that the patient suffers from when he is diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, and requests that the necessary tests be performed in addition to clinical examinations. This is to detect any pain, swelling, or abnormal sounds in it.

Other methods of diagnosis by a doctor

These methods are the following:

1- Doing other blood tests, where the doctor asks the patient to do a blood test, except for other medical conditions, such as infection, anemia, and diseases of the digestive system.

2- Stool examination to detect the presence of blood or any symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome that indicate the presence of infection. If it is found that there is blood in the stool, the doctor resorts to conducting rectal examinations.

3- X-ray and CT scan.

4- Do a respiratory level test and a lactose tolerance test.

5- Conduct a colonoscopy to detect the presence of other symptoms, such as colon cancer or inflammatory bowel disease.

Irritable bowel syndrome treatment

As we mentioned, irritable bowel syndrome and its treatment are a complex and complex task that does not have a single mechanism, and its treatment has several sections, which are as follows:

1- Drink plenty of fluids.

2- Do not eat foods that increase symptoms.

3- Eat foods rich in dietary fiber and eat foods suitable for the colon.

4- Sleep enough hours daily.

5- Do exercises regularly.

6- Avoid foods that cause gas or feed him gluten.

7- Develop an appropriate nutritional program appropriate to the health condition.

Treatment is by taking medications

Sometimes the doctor prescribes some medications to treat the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, including:

1- Treatment and anti-diarrheal medications, such as loperamide.

2- Pain reliever, such as: Pregabalin.

3- Antidepressant.

4- Laxative medications, such as magnesium hydroxide.

5- Dietary fiber supplements.

Herbal remedies are among the treatments for irritable bowel syndrome

Symptoms can also be alleviated by using herbs for irritable bowel syndrome, as the patient can drink the following herbs:

1- Anise tea: One of the benefits of anise is that it works to maintain the digestive system and colon.

2- Peppermint tea: It is one of the 10 best drinks for the digestive system.

3- Also fennel tea.

4- Chamomile tea.

5- Turmeric tea.

How to prevent irritable bowel syndrome?

Some tips can be followed to reduce the incidence of irritable bowel syndrome, which are the following:

1- Doing sports.

2- Eat dietary fiber.

3- Avoid foods that irritate the colon.

4- Regular mealtime.

5- Stay away from stress and anxiety.

In the end, I hope that I have provided some information to benefit from and learn a lot about the problem of irritable bowel syndrome, which many suffer from. We learned about the various symptoms of this problem and the causes of it. We presented 9 causes of this problem, and we also learned about methods of diagnosis and methods of treatment. The best practice is to follow, and we wish everyone, God Almighty willing, continued health, wellness, and recovery from various diseases.

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