Methods for tightening sagging abdomen at Beauty Clinic Center by a group of doctors

 Methods for tightening sagging abdomen at Beauty Clinic Center by a group of doctors

Many methods of tightening a sagging abdomen are resorted to at the Beauty Clinic Center, which is done by an elite group of doctors in the field of cosmetics and obesity. Through this article, we learn closely about the most important of these methods, the guide to choosing them, and some important advice provided by the Beauty Center. Clinic for the patient before and after the operation, and here is an explanation.

content list

- How to tighten a sagging abdomen at Beauty Clinic Center

- Complete tummy tuck operation

- Extended tummy tuck

- Mini tummy tuck

- Who are the suitable people to undergo a tummy tuck procedure?

- Before abdominal tightening operations

- After the operation to tighten the sagging abdomen

- When should the doctor be called after a tummy tuck operation?

- How is the appropriate tummy tuck technique determined for the patient?

- How long does a tummy tuck take?

Methods for tightening sagging abdomen at Beauty Clinic

Beauty Clinic Center offers many methods for tightening the sagging abdomen, which is determined according to the patient’s condition, and we mention the 3 most important methods as follows:

Complete tummy tuck surgery

During this operation, the surgeon makes a longitudinal incision extending from one side of the abdomen to the other side. It removes excess skin and fat and then restores the tissues, muscles, and skin in this area. This process may include changing the shape of the navel, and the patient is placed with drainage tubes under the skin for a few days afterward. This process takes between one and five hours, depending on the patient’s condition.

Extended tummy tuck

A horizontal incision is made around the hips; So that the scars of the operation appear when looking at the body from the back. It is worth noting that this method is used with people who have a huge weight, and it may require making a circular incision to change the position of the navel upwards immediately after getting rid of the excess skin.

Mini tummy tuck

During this operation, sagging abdomen and excess fat are eliminated, but on a smaller scale than the previous two operations, and the doctor does not have to change the position of the navel. This operation is reserved for people who suffer from minor sagging under the navel or in the lower area of the abdomen.

Who are the suitable people to undergo tummy tuck surgery?

After learning about the most important methods of tightening a sagging abdomen, we list below the conditions for undergoing this procedure:

- The patient must not be less than eighteen years old.

- They have sagging abdomens resulting from losing weight over a short period or following unhealthy eating habits.

- The patient's weight stabilizes to a large extent, so it is preferable to perform this operation after a full year of bariatric surgery.

- The patient does not have a health problem that prevents him from undergoing this operation.

- The patient should not have impossible expectations about this operation, and here the role of the doctor appears in informing the patient of the details of the operation.

Before abdominal tightening operations

In the following points, we present some instructions and expectations that the patient must 

know before undergoing one of the methods of tightening a sagging abdomen:

- The patient is advised to quit smoking for an appropriate period before the operation; So that it does not affect wound healing or expose tissues to damage after the operation.

- Stop taking some medications, such as fluid medications such as aspirin, which may lead to bleeding.

Try to maintain a stable weight for at least a year before the operation. If you are overweight, the doctor will advise you to lose weight before the operation.

- Prepare well before the day of the operation, prepare appropriate clothes, shower with sterile lotion, and bring someone with you on the day of the operation.

After the operation to tighten the sagging abdomen

There are some things that you need to know after the tummy tuck procedure, which we list below:

- After undergoing the operation, the abdominal incision will be covered with medical bandages, and the doctor may place small tubes to drain any excess fluids or blood, and to prevent swelling after the operation.

- A member of the health team will describe to you how to empty and care for the drainage tubes. He will also prescribe some antibiotics for you during the period that you have them in place.

- You may be prescribed medication; To prevent a blood clot.

- The doctor will advise you on the importance of wearing a supportive corset for a month and a half after the operation. So that fluids do not accumulate.

- In the first period after the operation, you will need to be careful when moving, and you will also have to avoid some positions, such as bending quickly, which puts pressure

 How is the appropriate tummy tuck technique determined for the patient?

The appropriate technique for a tummy tuck operation is determined by learning about the patient’s body anatomy and the amount of excess skin, in addition to seeing a doctor.

 How long does a tummy tuck procedure take?

The duration of the operation varies depending on the technique used during it, but it usually takes between two to five hours.

In conclusion, after we learned about the most important methods of tightening the sagging abdomen at the Beauty Clinic Center, we noted the necessity of adhering to the doctor’s instructions after the operation. To prevent sagging from returning again.

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