hair loss; The best 9 ways to boost its growth

 hair loss; The best 9 ways to boost its growth

hair loss; It is one of the most important problems facing both women and men, especially women, as they consider hair to be a woman’s crown. It is a woman’s adornment, and women feel confused and anxious when they see hair falling out. It is normal for 50-100 hairs to fall out per day, but if it exceeds that, it is necessary to know the cause of the loss and its treatment. From here, we will learn about the most important causes of hair loss and methods of treating it.

content list

- Causes of hair loss

- When should you visit a doctor?

- Hair loss treatment

- The best 9 ways to treat hair loss

- Scalp massage

- Aloe vera to treat hair loss

- Coconut Oil

- Viviscal vitamin for hair

- fish oil

- Onion juice

- Rosemary oil

- Geranium oil

- Lemon or lemon oil

Causes of hair loss

Hair loss has many causes, some of which are normal and some of which are pathological, and we will learn about them in detail in the following:

Hereditary baldness:

It is what is known as a hormonal imbalance, and it is one of the most important causes of hair loss in women and men, as both men and women suffer from an imbalance in the sex hormones known as androgens, and this, in turn, leads to premature baldness in males and severe hair loss in females.

Vitamin and iron deficiency:

Hair may fall out due to a lack of nutrients and malnutrition, as good nutrition, which contains all the beneficial nutrients for the body, is one of the most important reasons for protecting hair from loss and damage.

Psychological stress and tension are among the causes of hair loss:

Psychological stress reduces the functioning of the immune system against microbes in the scalp, making it more susceptible to bacteria and dandruff, causing hair damage and loss.


Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the body itself and treats it as a foreign body. In this case, hair loss occurs in a specific area on the scalp or in the body.

Chemotherapy cases:

Cancer patients treated with chemotherapy suffer from severe hair loss shortly after starting treatment. This is because chemotherapy depends primarily on stopping the growth of cancer cells, which in turn stops all other active cells, including hair.

after birth:

This condition is normal due to the physiology of the body after childbirth due to what the mother lost during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this case, the body gradually returns to its normal state 6 months after childbirth.

When should you visit a doctor?

If you suffer from sudden hair loss, bald spots may appear, hair falls out in clumps on your head, itches, and burns, and you worry about your hair falling out. Here the doctor will be able to tell you the cause of your hair loss by looking at your hair. Tell your doctor if your hair loss is affecting your health, ask him what is the cause of the loss, and learn from him about the treatments available and appropriate for you.

Hair loss treatment

Not all cases of hair loss require treatment because some things are temporary as a natural part of aging. When you recuperate from a medical illness, your hair normally stops falling out or grows back. The most important thing is to treat the cause of the loss because if we know the cause, we can treat it with ease. When taking a quick look at natural hair treatments for hair growth, you should know that no treatment is 100% effective, and these treatments do not work for everyone. Here is a list of the top 9 natural hair regrowth treatments.

The best 9 ways to treat hair loss

The best ways to treat hair loss include the following:

Scalp massage

Performing a scalp massage stimulates the scalp and may improve hair density, as blood expansion during scalp massage stimulates hair growth and density in the cells located at the bottom of the hair follicles. These cells play a key role in hair formation, hair growth, and the hair loss and regrowth cycle.

A 2019 study showed that scalp massage improves hair growth, blood flow, and scalp health in people. Spending time massaging your scalp every day can also help relieve stress and anxiety, which is a plus if these feelings are the cause of your hair loss. Massage your scalp with your fingertips, not your fingernails, for 4 minutes daily, moving your fingers across your scalp in small circles and applying light to medium pressure.

Aloe vera to treat hair loss

Aloe vera has traditionally been used to cure hair loss. It also soothes the scalp, moisturizes the hair, and can reduce dandruff and loosen hair follicles that may be clogged by excess oil. To use aloe vera to treat hair loss, you can apply pure aloe vera gel to your scalp and hair several times a week. You can also use shampoo and conditioner with aloe vera.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can be applied before or after washing your hair, depending on your hair type.

-If your hair is oily, you can leave the treatment overnight or for a few hours. Before washing it, massage your scalp and all of your hair with coconut oil.

-If your hair is dry, you can apply it as a leave-in treatment.

It has not yet been proven that coconut oil works as a stimulant for hair growth, but it has been proven that it works to soften the hair shaft and prevent it, and one of the advantages of coconut oil is that it helps prevent breakage. According to one 2021 study, applying coconut to the scalp enriches the scalp flora, leading to a healthier scalp and hair follicles. For your information, coconut oil can be used in recipes to lengthen hair.

Viviscal vitamin for hair

Viviscal is a natural hair growth supplement that stimulates hair growth in people who have sparse hair. Contains a marine compound known as AminoMar C, a mineral-rich blend of shark powder, shellfish, organic silica, and Vitamin C (derived from acerola cherries). These chemicals can help regenerate and strengthen existing cells. You must take the pills twice daily for at least 6 months to see results.

Fish oil

Fish oil is considered a nourishing oil for hair, and in general, eating foods that contain omega fatty acids helps improve your hair from the inside. Because they're full of nutrients and protein, omega fatty acids also help your cells function properly and can boost immunity, leading to improved overall health. Taking omega-3 supplements along with foods rich in antioxidants also helps improve hair density and diameter, and reduces hair loss, but it is necessary to consult a doctor before introducing any type of nutritional supplement to your diet.

Onion juice

Onion juice has been proven to promote hair growth and successfully treat alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition where the body attacks hair follicles and causes hair loss in different parts of the body. Onion juice is also thought to improve circulation, and a 2015 animal study showed an improvement in keratinocyte growth factor, an important mediator in hair follicle development and growth.

* To use onion juice, mix a little onion and squeeze it, then apply the juice to your scalp and hair and leave it for at least 15 minutes, then follow with shampoo.

Rosemary oil

The benefits of rosemary for hair are many, as rosemary oil is a popular essential oil that people use to promote hair growth and reduce hair loss. Rosemary oil is beneficial in stimulating new hair growth and can also be used to treat hereditary baldness. Mix a few drops of rosemary oil with a carrier oil such as argan oil or jojoba oil, then massage your hair and scalp before rinsing. You can do this a few times a week, and you can also add a few drops of rosemary oil to your shampoo and conditioner daily. In general, avoid using essential oils directly on the skin, and always mix them with a carrier oil or shampoo.

Geranium oil

Geranium oil, or Pelargonium graveolens, is an aromatic plant native to South Africa. Geranium oil is a concentrated essential oil that is extracted from its leaves. You can use geranium oil to promote hair growth and promote blood circulation. Mix three drops of geranium essential oil with eight drops of carrier oil and apply directly to your hair. You can also put a few drops in your shampoo and conditioner.

* Geranium oil can help strengthen, moisturize, and restore your hair.

Lemon or lime oil

Use lemon juice or lemon oil in your hair loss treatment plan, as they have been proven to enhance hair quality and growth. Lemon oil may help you maintain a healthy scalp and encourage hair growth. Apply fresh lemon juice to your scalp and hair 15 minutes before shampoo.

At the end of this article, we will learn about hair loss and its most important causes, whether genetic, hormonal, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, psychological stress, and tension, or natural physiological causes such as pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. We also learned about hair loss treatment by presenting the 9 best methods. To enhance its growth and some useful oils for it, such as aloe vera to treat hair loss, fish oil, rosemary oil, and others.

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