Sensitive zone fungi; Causes, symptoms, and best natural methods of treatment

 Sensitive zone fungi; Causes, symptoms, and best natural methods of treatment

Sensitive area fungi; is also called a yeast infection or fungal vaginitis, which occurs as a result of an increase in the percentage of naturally occurring yeast fungi in the body due to an imbalance in the natural balance of the human body. Fungi increase in the sensitive area because it is always warm and moist, and under normal circumstances, a vaginal yeast infection is not considered dangerous. It can be treated with medications. However, vaginal yeast infections can be a sign of an underlying, more serious condition or can lead to serious complications, especially if left untreated. In this article, we will learn how to treat fungi in sensitive areas in women, explaining the causes and symptoms, and the best natural methods of treatment.

content list

- Causes of Sensitive area fungi

- Symptoms of yeast fungi

- Treating fungi in the sensitive area

- How do I get rid of fungi from the sensitive area naturally?

Does salt kill fungi?

- How to prevent vaginal fungi

- The difference between bacterial and fungal vaginosis

- Bacterial vaginosis

- Fungal vaginitis or yeast infection

Causes of Sensitive Area Fungi

Many reasons lead to the growth of fungi in the genital area and vagina, including:

Use antibiotics frequently, because they kill bacteria that help balance yeast fungi in the sensitive area.

An imbalance in the body’s hormones as a result of the approaching menstrual cycle, pregnancy, taking birth control pills, and estrogen treatment.

Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus leads to diseases affecting the immune system.

Obesity and weight gain, lead to increased fungal growth as a result of increased humidity, temperature, and lack of ventilation in this area.

Tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics increases the chance of fungal growth in the sensitive area.

Diabetes, especially high blood sugar and the inability to control sugar levels, because high blood sugar leads to high blood sugar in the sensitive area and increases the chance of fungal growth.

Symptoms of yeast fungi

Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection range from mild to moderate, and signs include:

Severe itching in and around the vagina, burning or irritation in the vagina (genital itching).

Pain or soreness in the vagina or its opening.

Burning sensation in the vagina with intercourse or urination.


Thick, white vaginal discharge that looks like cheese and has no unpleasant odor.

Treatment of fungi in the sensitive area

An image with on the right the names of treatments within the treatment of fungi in the sensitive area, and on the left a form of some of these treatments within the treatment of fungi in the sensitive area

How to treat sensitive area fungi?

Most women often resort to natural methods and home treatment, due to the shyness of going to the doctor and the recurrence of inflammation and increased secretions. Many natural methods and ingredients help treat fungal infections, vaginitis, and itching at home, especially in minor cases.

How do I get rid of fungi from the sensitive area naturally?

This is done through the following:

Tea tree oil to treat inflammation of the area:

A natural oil to protect the vagina. Tea tree oil has many antifungal properties, as it can eliminate yeast infections, and it is included in the composition of vaginal suppositories. You should test the oil first on your hand; Because it can cause skin irritation, it is prohibited to use it for people with sensitive skin. Tea tree oil can be placed on a tampon and inserted carefully into the vagina.

Coconut oil to treat skin fungi in sensitive areas:

Coconut oil has many antifungal properties. It can be used inside or outside the vagina to relieve symptoms and rebalance bacteria in the sensitive area. It can also be used as an auxiliary agent for transferring antifungal essential oils such as tea tree oil. It is completely safe to use and has no adverse effects.

Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is an agent that helps prevent the growth of fungal eggs that cause yeast infections in sensitive areas. Dilute apple cider vinegar with water before use. So that it does not kill healthy bacteria in the body, as apple cider vinegar is characterized by its strong ability to kill bacteria and fungi.

Probiotics or yogurt:

Probiotics are available in the form of nutritional supplements in pharmacies and are beneficial bacteria rich in dairy products. Eat yogurt daily because it contains probiotics, the purpose of which is to restore the balance of bacteria and yeast in the vagina. They are taken orally or by inserting them into the vagina.

Lavender oil to treat vaginal fungi at home:

It contains powerful substances that are effective in treating inflammation. Place an amount of lavender oil on olive oil and massage the sensitive area for ten minutes. After that, wash that area and dry it well so that moisture does not occur in the area. These oils moisturize the sensitive area, kill fungi and bacteria, and treat infections.

Garlic to get rid of fungi:

A natural antibiotic, it can be used to treat many diseases, because eating garlic every day helps restore the balance of bacteria in the vagina and its surrounding areas.

Maintaining permanent dryness of the sensitive area is considered one of the natural treatments to stop itching. Because it helps remove moisture and prevents fungal growth.

Does salt kill fungi?

One of the best and easiest natural ways to treat yeast fungi is salt. To provide mineral salts that can kill bacteria and fungi that cause infection, and reduce itching immediately. Table salt also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties resulting from the accumulation of bacteria and fungi. Place a tablespoon of salt on a cup of water, and wash the sensitive area from the outside with it. Water with salt should be avoided from entering the vagina. You can also put half a cup of salt with warm water in the bathtub, and sit in it for 20 minutes.

How to prevent vaginal fungi

An image of an obstetrician-gynecologist holding a drawing of the vagina in her hands as part of how to prevent vaginal fungi

Prevention of vaginal fungi

Being infected with fungi in sensitive areas is tiring for women, and many healthy methods must be followed, my dear, to protect yourself from vaginal fungi, the most important of which are:

- Change tampons and sanitary pads frequently.

- Do not wear tight underwear, as well as clothes made of synthetic fabrics. They can be replaced with cotton underwear.

- Do not use any vaginal cleansers, as certain types of cleansers work to remove some of the natural bacteria in the vagina to prevent infection.

- Always wear loose clothing; To avoid heat and moisture in the sensitive area.

- Underwear should be washed at high temperatures.

- Wash the sensitive area well after bathing.

- If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar under control.

- Use moisturizer to clean the sensitive area as an alternative to soap and water, but avoid cleaning the area more than once a day.

- Avoid using perfumes and chemical products for the sensitive area.

- Do not use deodorant in the sensitive area.

The difference between bacterial and fungal vaginosis

An image of a hand holding a vagina-shaped shape as part of a comparison between bacterial and fungal vaginosis

What is the difference between bacterial and fungal vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections fall into a broad category of vaginal infections called vaginitis. These infections are very common in women and can usually be treated effectively without any long-term problems, but you need to know what type of infection you have to ensure you get the right treatment.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an overgrowth of one of several organisms normally found in the vagina called anaerobic bacteria. If anaerobic bacteria become too numerous, they upset the natural balance of microorganisms in the vagina, leading to bacterial vaginosis.

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include a thin, gray, or yellow discharge. Bacterial vaginosis is associated with an unpleasant vaginal odor. Bacterial vaginosis also causes itching, especially in younger women, and may include a burning sensation, especially when urinating.

You can treat bacterial vaginosis with over-the-counter medications (antibiotics), but if you're not sure whether this is the cause of your symptoms, see your doctor first to make the correct diagnosis and take a sample of vaginal discharge to examine it under a microscope.

Fungal vaginitis or yeast infection

Yeast vaginitis is caused by a fungus called Candida. The vagina naturally contains a balanced mix of yeast and bacteria, but an imbalance and overgrowth of yeast leads to yeast vaginitis.

You may be more susceptible to developing a yeast infection if you take antibiotics regularly, as the use of antibiotics causes a decrease in the amount of lactobacilli bacteria in the vagina, and women who take birth control pills that contain estrogen, are pregnant or have diabetes. Uncontrolled or weak immune systems have an increased risk of yeast infections.

Symptoms of fungal infection include thick, white, odorless vaginal discharge. Bacterial vaginosis also causes pain or itching in the vagina. Antifungal creams, ointments (using an ointment to treat vaginal thrush), antifungal tablets, and suppositories are usually all that is needed to restore the vaginal balance of bacteria and yeast and eliminate symptoms. If a yeast infection causes severe symptoms, or if the infection returns several times, treatment may be Additional necessary.

It is possible to treat sensitive area fungi (vaginal fungal infection) in a natural way at home, but treating acute or chronic fungi takes a longer time to heal, and you can consult a doctor if the symptoms of the infection worsen or return, and treatment can also be done using antifungal medications that It does not require a prescription and is inserted directly into the vagina in the form of tablets, creams, ointments or suppositories. Any woman experiencing symptoms of vaginitis for the first time should visit a doctor. During this article, we learned in detail about this problem and the 6 best natural ways to get rid of it.

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