Part 5 : Publicize the store

Publicize the store

You have built your own product that has been proven to have high demand, and you have a sales letter with a good conversion rate, but all of that will be for naught if no one visits your website since you will have no one to sell to! You can be a total newcomer with no large mailing list to sell to, and your website is on the 103rd page of search engine results pages. With a few tried-and-true traffic development tactics, we can change all of that. 

First and foremost, I want to emphasize that search engine optimization is not the only approach to generate large volumes of traffic! Search engine result pages, after all, are merely web pages, just like any other website on the internet. It is only so profitable to have your website ranked at the top of search engine results because many people use search engines to find information and end up on the search engine results page. As a result, many people view your site's link, and you receive a lot of traffic. 

The effect would have been the same if your website was highlighted on an extremely popular website. Consider what would occur if your website was mentioned on the first page of Yahoo's website! Your website will have so many visitors that your bandwidth may be exceeded. So, the goal is to gain links from other high-traffic websites in your area. To accomplish this, you must provide them with compelling reasons to connect to you - perhaps it's the thought-provoking essay you've put on your site, or perhaps it's the brilliant solution to this lifelong problem that everyone has faced their entire lives. In short, give individuals compelling arguments or value in exchange for a link. 

Alternatively, you might connect to a high-traffic website related to yours and request a link back. This is known as reciprocal linking, and it is a popular method for earning links. However, before you even ask for the link, examine your website and consider whether you would be glad to promote such a site to your readers and whether it will deliver relevant information to them. In short, ensure that your website has intrinsic value and is not simply a shell designed to attract traffic!


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