Part 9 : The Importance of Exceeding Expectations

The Importance of Exceeding Expectations 

Customers cannot see your face if you are an online merchant. They cannot hear your voice when you recommend your products, nor can they see the emotions on your face when you tell your customers about the benefits of your items. 

The Internet provides a level playing field for all Internet marketers and merchants. Because of the sheer connection, you can contact any person on the planet. You are not restricted by geography, and anyone can be your customer or client. 

This is why you should go above and above. When every competitor has access to everyone in the market, the only way to win the war is to consistently overdeliver. When you overdeliver, you position yourself as someone who cares about the customer. You become a trusted friend rather than a greedy marketer out for their money. Overdelivering is the only way to distinguish oneself from your competitors. 

You can begin overdelivering by providing excellent customer service. How many times have you been rudely turned away when inquiring about a product you purchased? Compare that to the number of times you've received excellent service as if you were being helped by a personal friend. The ratio is barely wrong, demonstrating how scarce good customer service is. By delivering exceptional customer service and patiently attending to their every need, you will earn consumers who are fiercely devoted to you because they know you have their best interests at heart. 

You're already ahead of the majority of your competitors if you give exceptional customer service. Take it a step further and consider: how else can you exceed your client's expectations?

Giving your customers a pleasant surprise when they purchase from you is one excellent method. For example, if a consumer purchases your culinary gear, you could include a free recipe book with it. However, do not exploit the bonus to entice customers to purchase your products. Your products must be good enough to entice the buyer to buy them in the first place, and the bonus must be a surprise; it must not be announced in the product catalog. 

The fourth option is to cultivate long-term relationships with your customers. If a customer buys from you regularly, you should send greeting cards on birthdays and holidays such as Christmas, New Year's, Easter, and even Chinese New Year! Because of the close relationship, your consumer will remember you as a friend, not a business associate, and will prefer you over other merchants. 

So, remember to begin overdelivering right away!

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