Part 8 : Preselling - The Art of Creating Excitement

Preselling - The Art of Creating Excitement

Preselling is the labor you must do before releasing and selling your goods; thus, it is termed pre-selling. It is the labor you undertake to persuade potential clients that your product is valuable and that only a fool would pass up your offer without paying – all without really "selling" the referenced thing. 

Preselling is similar to selling yourself to the buyer before selling your product. When you offer yourself to a customer, you are convincing them that "this guy isn't one of those greedy marketers." He's truly here to assist me." in order for them to relax and listen to your sales speech. 

Preselling is also the art of creating excitement. If a buddy informed you that "some new medicine" had solved his severe headache overnight but didn't say what it was, would you be curious what the medicine was? Even more so if you have a chronic headache! That is why, by repeatedly emphasizing a benefit that will get your prospects' ears perked up but not revealing what the answer is, you will have your prospects dying to hear what you have to say next as you expose slightly more about the solution each time. When you eventually figure it out, your prospects will be all over your website seeking the buy button!

However, preselling is more than just gradually revealing your product. In actuality, that was merely one of several options to presell. For example, you could publish a weekly email on acne issues and, by chance, you've just produced a great ebook called "10 Ways to Solve Acne Woes Once and For Everyone." You can promote your ebook in your newsletter by including a sample or two and advertising it as a possible acne remedy. People will regard you as an expert on acne problems if they receive solid advice from your email, and they will naturally be keen to learn how you can teach them to address their problems. 

At the end of the day, it all comes down to providing value to others before asking them to buy something from you. If you can help people overcome their difficulties, they will be more than happy to buy your products. 


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