Part 4 : Marketing that is ethical

 Marketing that is ethical

To effectively market a product, it is critical to employ compelling selling words that represent each and every value that your product offers in order to persuade the customer. It's pretty uncommon to find adjectives like "unbelievable" and "phenomenal" or something along those lines in truly outstanding sales letters. 

However, some marketers purposefully utilize exaggerated descriptions to sell their products. Customers are misled by these marketers into believing that their items provide benefits that do not exist in reality. At this moment, it would be acceptable to tell you a true story:

One evening, a fellow marketer on my MSN Messenger list invited me to read his newest sales letter for his product, an ebook on making money with contextual advertising. I went to his website and was immediately hooked by his sales copy! The reason for this was that the sales letter delved right into my desires and claimed that "everything I have ever wanted" could be acquired simply by acquiring the aforementioned ebook and executing everything contained within. The sales letter further implied that the author possessed fleets of Mercedes Benz automobiles, opulent houses, and private yachts. 

The issue was that I knew this marketer. He is a 17-year-old high school graduate wanting to make some quick cash by selling a small ebook he prepared from various Internet sources. My emergency alarm immediately went off, and I could only think how many gullible newcomers could be duped by the fraudulent sales material. 

The unfortunate but very real fact is that there are many scam artists online eager to rob you of your money. As a result, remember that the standard consumer advice still applies online: exercise common sense.

Remember to perform a basic check-up on the merchant's website before making an Internet transaction. First and foremost, if you have even the tiniest query about any of the qualities of the product described, email the seller and notice how he/she responds. Customer service shows a lot about a company's credibility. 

Finally, if you can't even find their help email address on their website, click the "Back" button and leave immediately!

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