Part 3 : Creating A Sellable Product

 Creating A Sellable Product

Many marketers have invented or acquired things they believe would sell well and, in their zeal, have set up everything from sales letters to websites to drive traffic. However, many of these marketers have overlooked the one most critical factor that will influence their product sales - the "sellability" of the product. 

When you begin manufacturing products or purchasing the rights to a specific product to sell, the most crucial element you must consider is the product's demand. Is your product in high demand? It is just silly to spend a month developing a product, setting up the website, and learning the necessary sales strategies only to discover that no one even raises an eyebrow at your product! 

Your ultimate goal is to deliver the product to your consumer and receive payment from him or her. To accomplish this, you must first ensure that your buyer desires to purchase your product. How can you find out if they are interested in your product? Simple. Simply ask! In forums relating to your niche, post your question. Conduct a survey or a public poll. The Internet is a level playing field, and you have the ability to contact almost everyone on the planet who has an Internet connection. 

Assume you have this fantastic idea to create a step-by-step guide on how to cook Malaysian food. First, you must determine whether anyone is interested in (or has even heard of) Malaysian cuisine. To do so, go to a food-related forum and politely inquire whether anyone is interested in studying Malaysian cuisine. If you inquire openly whether anyone wants to buy an ebook with instructions on how to cook Malaysian food, you risk being accused of spamming. 

On the other side, you can distribute some samples of your Malaysian recipes to observe how the forum members react to them. If they demonstrate an interest in learning more, you know you have a market. If they are uninterested, it is time to hunt for a new marketable idea. In the long run, you save time because you don't have to discover the poor demand for your goods the hard way. 

If the forum members you polled like your idea, you can go ahead and construct your lengthy ebook on preparing Malaysian food because there is interest in the material you have. You can simply create a want for your goods where there is interest, and with desire (plus smart promotion), your purchases will come automatically!

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