Part 2 : Creating a Customer Base

 Creating a Customer Base

Let me ask you a question: do you believe it is simpler to sell your product or service to a complete stranger or to someone with whom you have already had contact, whether through an email chat, forum participation, or an existing customer connection (i.e. He has purchased something from you)? Without a question, selling to a total stranger who does not know whether or not you are an honest seller and whether or not they should trust your statements and believe that your product or services will actually help them would be more difficult. 

This is why you should cultivate a customer base: a group of people who trust you and will most likely purchase a product from you. This will ensure that you have a constant and recurring stream of revenue. When you release a product or make an endorsement, there is always a crowd waiting to hear what you have to say.

You can begin establishing a consumer base by utilizing a variety of resources. For example, you can engage in an online discussion forum and offer free advice and assistance. It won't be long before people recognize your name and pause to listen whenever you have anything to say. You will earn the trust of these people by becoming a valued friend and instructor. Would you buy something that a close friend suggests?

Another method for increasing your consumer base is to create a mailing list. There are a billion ways to gather subscribers, but when it comes down to it, it's all about showing your worth to the crowd and offering an incentive to get them to join your mailing list. A classic example would be a website chock-full of publicly available, useful, and high-quality information on a specific topic, as well as a "special report" that can be downloaded for free in exchange for your email address. The extensive information adds value, and the "special report" is a bonus. 

Another source for your consumer base that is frequently overlooked is your existing customers. Would you buy from this person again if you bought this product from him and he patiently answered all of your questions? Definitely. When a customer gives you money, that is not the end of the story since you will have a lifetime stream of income if you stay in touch with him and create a healthy relationship with him. 

Imagine if 100, 1000, or even 10,000 clients are eagerly awaiting the debut of your newest products! As a result, developing a customer base is critical because it saves time and work. 

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